The blind guy is awesome. This post is dedicated to him. I should start by saying I have no opinion on him personally and I am in no way hating. The fact that he is a 40-year-old partially blind dude just makes the situation all that more amusing.
The policy at Grenade is that people should always be incompetent at their jobs. If they start to figure out what they are doing, it is time for a new job. And then there are people hired just to be there. I swear, some of us work, some of the time. But there are some people who really are hired for no purpose. If they hang around long enough, eventually they fall into a role, but surviving those first few weeks of nothing is always the interesting part.
Enter the blind dude. He's been here for about two weeks. Matt hired him to fold goggle boxes, but apparently that isn't happening yet. I assume he was a bar hire, because I don't think he he friends with anyone, but I really don't know where he came from. Even though there was no work for him, Matt told him to just keep showing up. He spent a few days setting up utilities for the Mt. Hood shop, but now he just sits there. Apparently he doesn't have Myspace so he sits and stares. Oh and I found out the blind guy cane is because he has no peripheral vision. He can only see straight ahead. Kind of like kids at the skatepark.
Anyway, he really wants to work. So desperately that if you print something out, he grabs it and delivers it in a matter of seconds. I assigned him to babysit a fax. He was clearly excited. Paychecks came. He is babysitting those now. I guess his job is the answer the phone. But we only really have one working phone line (the other cuts out the internet when you use it.) Of course next week, he'll probably be the new AJ, like Kelly is the new me.
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