Monday, June 18, 2007

June 18, 2007

Monday's are awesome. This morning, the blind dude came in asking everyone how their weekend was. Clearly, he wanted them to ask about his. Finally, some one took the bait, and he responded, "crazy!" It wasn't long before his camera was out and he was showing photos of himself drunk. I should add I recently found out he was born in 1968.

Matt did some yelling. I'm not sure who was on the other end, but the general gist was that just because he was your bro at the bar, doesn't mean he's your bro at work. Then he started on me. Some highlights include, "I am not a phone book or an IT guy," and "You don't do anything until I tell you to do it," "I am a good communicator," and "I'M THE BOSS!" What I gleaned from my lecture is that I am to sit here idly until he decides what he wants me to do.

In more amusing news, an angry Asian called regarding the Chinese-eyed Downhill at the Grenade Games, demanding a public apology. Luckily, Dave fielded this one. He calmly explained that we didn't need to apologize, while making exasperated faces in my office. When he got off the phone, he said that Asian Tony came up with the name, so it was clearly not offensive to Asians. Well actually, Dave came up with the name and ran it by Asian Tony. Whatever. Since then every time he leaves, he asks if any more angry Asians called while he was gone.

Later, Matt was walking around with a oar, calling for Grenade capital punishment.

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