Tuesday, June 19, 2007

June 19, 2007

Being upstairs is awesome. But sometimes I need to venture downstairs to get full enjoyment out of Grenade. In the skatepark/shop storage area I found Tom counting skateboards. Tom is always full of exciting news, and he told me that Cole "the kid" would soon be featured in a full page something in a magazine.

"Being drunk or stoned?" I asked.

"No, playing air guitar," Tom said.

"Oh, I really like his air drumming better."

"Yeah," Tom said, "it's cool he can play so many instruments.

As if on cue, Cole staggered up looking for work. Tom sent him to grab some boxes of skateboards that had arrived. Somewhat confused, Colse started to walk in the wrong direction, so Tom pointed to the box he'd already retrieved again. "They look just like this one." As Cole walked off to the boxes 50 feet away, Tom said, " Good thing he has a photographic memory!"

In upstairs news, Dave is still working on the Grenade lifevest. It is to be called the "Wapp Vest." I commented he spelled wakeboarding wrong. He didn't think it was funny.
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Matt is off on a mission to the bins, which is good because we need more junk.

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The best news of the day, payroll went through, so the Grenerds finally got paid! Dave is celebrating by writing a "To Catch a Predator" spoof. It involves burying a Bavarian sausage in the mud. It's gonna be good.

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