Friday, June 22, 2007

June 22, 2007

Friday's are awesome. You may have noticed I didn't come in yesterday. It was go skateboarding day, so I skated for an hour instead. I am here now because I would hate to miss a Friday, although no one else seems to feel the same. It's mostly a ghost town around here. Bad, because palettes of products are beginning to arrive. Apparently AJ tried to help unload one yesterday, but got yelled at because he "is not a warehouse employee."

Dave has been MIA for three days. It's hard to write this blog with out Dave because he is the only one who is actually funny (and not just funny to make fun of.) AJ announced he was planning to drive over to Dave's house to get him. I guess AJ is good for something.

Bayne hasn't been here in weeks either. I guess the experienced ones know to stay away this time of year. Not me, I am a glutton for punishment, so I keep coming back. They moved my desk. Now I am in front of the window and can see everything going on (or that nothing is going on, more realistically.) Of course, they can see me too. Bastards.

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