Monday, June 25, 2007

June 25, 2007

Getting fired is awesome. Especially when it's by Matt Kass. If you think he yells a lot normally, you should hear him fire someone. The yelling starts across the building and he just repeats "you're fired!" a lot.

So I got fired. I kind of knew it was coming. I mean, what else can you expect when you try to do your job? People like to get paid on time. They don't like to get yelled at. I figured since the latter was pretty much a guarantee, I would try to make the former happen. Unfortunately I made the mistake of asking the wrong person for their hours, I think.

Actually, I'm not quite sure what happened. Dave asked, and I was like, I tried to do payroll. He responded, "Isn't that what you do?"

Today was shaping up to be a great day. Matt was going to Seattle and I was going to do payroll so I could feel useful. And I saw a "Rover Guy" sticker on Aj's desk. I pointed it out to Dave. "He probably has an Avatar Rover Guy61!"

I miss Dave.

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